Oh loving mystery: these first tender glimpses of spring do much to lighten heavy hearts. Thank you for this wonderful creation that never ceases to fill our hearts with tender wonder, even in times of difficult change.
You are our refuge and our stronghold, our God in whom we put our trust.

In these days of Lenten journey, let us pray for spiritual leaders everywhere, especially just now, Pope Francis, whose leadership provides direction and reassurance for so many of the oppressed throughout the world. Let us pray for all whose example and care so many depend upon, including our Bishop Philip, our Presiding Bishop Sean, and our Parish priests, Berto and Hugh, whose devotion and kindness continue to inspire us at every turn.
You are our refuge and our stronghold, our God in whom we put our trust.

We pray for all those in authority—both in this country and throughout the world. Let us recognize and share our common ideals as we take courage from one another and celebrate the things that are good about us, about our country, and about the world. 
You are our refuge and our stronghold, our God in whom we put our trust.

In these days of Lenten journey let us tread fearlessly upon the snakes of lies and discord lurking in our own hearts. Help us to heed the principle of loving kindness, honoring that which is good in every human being. We pray fervently for all those suffering from confusion, unemployment, fear, addictions, and loneliness. May we realize ever more deeply that we are bound to you and one another in love.
You are our refuge and our stronghold, our God in whom we put our trust.

In these days of Lenten journey, help us to be steadfast. Take our hand—keep us from falling—as we clamber over the rocky obstacles to a better understanding of you and our journey together. Especially watch out for the addicts, the prisoners, those suffering from chronic illness, the children of broken homes and their confused parents—parents who so greatly need wise guidance and support.
You are our refuge and our stronghold, our God in whom we put our trust.

Let us pray for the intentions of all in our spiritual community, and for special concerns known privately to us. [Pause, mention silently or aloud.] And let us now pray for those on our Parish Prayer List.  as well as those for whom no one prays; [silence]
You are our refuge and our stronghold, our God in whom we put our trust.

And we pray for the dead and those who have lost their loved ones. [Pause…] We hold in our hearts especially the family of Michael Sterling and join with him in mourning the loss of Karen Goens Sterling. May they be comforted in the secure knowledge that love is eternal. AMEN.