Lord, as we wait for the incarnation, help us to focus on your light in the darkness that surrounds us.
Use us as your heart and your hands.
We thank you for the faithful servants of your church, especially Berto and Hugh.
Use us as your heart and your hands.
We pray for the nations of this world that need guidance. Open the hearts of the “haves” to help the “have nots”.
Use us as your heart and your hands.
Teach the leaders of this nation to be compassionate to the citizens that they serve. Help them to find clear vision and a sense of justice for all of the people who live here.
Use us as your heart and your hands.
We pray for all who are shivering in the cold, hungry, homeless, lonely, friendless, and afraid. Help us to find and to comfort them.
Use us as your heart and your hands.
We pray for all who are physically ill, disabled, or suffering pain; give them relief. For all who are mentally ill, grant them peace of mind. We pray for all who care for others, especially our island medical workers. We pray for everyone on our parish prayer list:
(Your prayers and petitions are welcomed either aloud or in silence.)
We thank you for the certainty that those who have died are alive in your light.
We pray that we always be ready to be your heart and your hands.
Presider: We ask for patience and gentleness as we wait for your manifestation among us. Amen.