Everlasting God, Creator to the ends of the Earth, renew our strength as citizens of the world. Help us to care for each other and your awesome creation. Help us to lift up the poor in body and spirit and minister to the forgotten and fearful in order that we might better share the blessings of your boundless love.
Everlasting Creator, we pray.
Everlasting God, Creator to the ends of the Earth, renew our strength as members of your church. Help us to are for each other and your awesome creation. Let us become slaves to one another, all things to all peoples, so that we might better share the blessings of your boundless love.
Everlasting Creator, we pray.
Everlasting God, Creator to the ends of the Earth, renew our strength as a nation dedicated to life and liberty. Help us to care for each other and your awesome creation. Help us to celebrate and embrace our differences, so that we might truly live out the promise on the Statue of Liberty.
Everlasting Creator, we pray.
Everlasting God, Creator to the ends of the Earth, renew our understanding of those at every level and in every corner of the social order. Help us to heal the wounds of the brokenhearted and to lift up the lowly, to care for the homeless, the hungry, the sick, to reach out in love to the burdened the distressed. Let us look especially to those whom no one sees, that we might share with them the blessings of your boundless love.
Everlasting Creator, we pray.
Everlasting God, Creator to the ends of the Earth, renew our strength as stewards of the earth. We are so thankful to you who covers the heavens with clouds and prepares rain for the earth, who makes the grass to grow upon the mountains and green plants to serve mankind. Help us to treasure the your creation as the bounteous blessing it is.
Everlasting Creator, we pray.
Everlasting God, Creator to the ends of the Earth, renew our strength to care for our families and friends. Be with us as we minister to them, especially those on our parish prayer list that they might know the blessings of your boundless love.
Everlasting Creator, we pray.
Bishop: The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator to the ends of the earth. Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength.