Lector: Oh Holy Blessed Creator of all that is. May all beings come to know the strength and patience and faith that keep us steady on the way to knowing and serving you ever more fully. May we follow St. Stephen’s example, accepting life’s joys and challenges with the certainty of the resurrection and true life yet to come.

We take refuge in the promise of the resurrection and life everlasting.

We ask blessings for all who dedicate their lives to your service and the service of your people—our priests Berto and Hugh, our bishop, Gregory and all those who govern our church. We ask special blessings for religious leaders of every faith, that all might more fully know and live in love and deepest truth.

We take refuge in our Church community, and wholeheartedly thank our leaders for their generosity of spirit, and their inspiration and guidance.

We ask blessings, now and forever, for the mothers in this congregation, and all mothers, and all those who serve as mothers your many dwelling places. Let us pray with all our hearts for the health of our Mother Earth and the peaceful co-existence of all her children of every race, religion, and creed. And in this lovely month of May let us thank Divine Mother for her compassionate presence and the transcendent gift of her son, Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.

We take refuge in you, Holy Mother, and thank you for your grace and wisdom.

We ask special guidance and wisdom for all those in power throughout the world, especially Donald, our President, Jay our Governor, and leaders throughout the world. May they come to know the great compassion of our Holy Mother whose feast we celebrate this month.

We take refuge in the promise of resurrection and life everlasting.

We also ask for prayers for those in our community who are struggling with health or other challenges, especially those on our parish prayer list: ….  

At this time we may add silently or aloud the names of others for whom  we wish special prayers. May all those recently departed, especially Marilyn Erly, and their families and loved ones rest in the comfort of your divine love. (silence)

We thank you Beloved Father-Mother God for the great gift of your Presence in our lives, for our supportive and warm-hearted community, for this beautiful place in which we live, for our elders, for our children, and for all that is good.

We take refuge in your love and are most grateful to you for the certain knowledge of the resurrection and life everlasting.  

Presider: Oh beloved God, we ask that all those who suffer from addictions and abuse, from the outrages of war or natural disasters and other difficulties and challenges find their way to you and be comforted. Strengthen us all that we not be caught in the nets of uncertainty and material distractions. Help us to move forward in greater knowledge and
love of you—the one and only God—in your myriad forms, your countless names, now and forever. We thank you for your endless blessings. Amen.