Lector: Beloved Great Mystery who presides over the Universe: We bow before You, sensing your Presence in all that we do and are. Today is our Holy Sabbath–a day dedicated to you, and one in which we keep our awareness especially on you. May we learn to do so every day, may we avoid being distracted by lesser concerns, knowing that you are present in the slightest gust of wind, the unfolding flower, the broken eggshell, and in our entire existence. Teach us to exult and be grateful for your countless gifts.
Let us pray with love and gratitude to our God.
We ask for blessings on all we hold dear, both far and near, especially our presiding bishop Gregory and for all the spiritual leaders throughout the world, both known and unknown. We thank all those who cast light on the highest good, driving away the shadows of greed and ignorance that stain the glory of your creation.
Let us pray with love and gratitude to our God.
We ask blessings and assistance for all those in need of aid. Let us find ways, with your grace and guidance, to comfort aching hearts, to heal the sick, to reach out to the lost and lonely. Help us to be aware of what needs to be done and to follow through with compassion, generosity and light hearts.
Let us pray with love and gratitude to our God.
We ask your aid in becoming more deeply honest, both in recognizing and living in Truth, knowing that in your Truth all may become truly free. Let us always remember that the highest and most universal truth is love and that You are Love itself.
Let us pray with love and gratitude to our God.
Help us to have the courage and the wisdom to witness our love for you and your precepts, and through our actions and speech to inspire others to better know you.
Let us pray with love and gratitude to our God.
Help us to broaden our compassion to embrace the needs of all the world, at least through our daily prayer, and to treat all living beings as your children, no matter what race, color or creed. You shine in the eyes of every child, every where.
Let us pray with love and gratitude to our God.
Strengthen our resolve to be better stewards of the planet and all sentient beings. In this way may we help victims of natural disasters by whatever means are available; may we protect vulnerable species; may we live consciously, and kindly in the face of turmoil and difficulty.
Let us pray with love and gratitude to our God.
Be with us now as we pray for those on our Parish Prayer List, including …..
May it please you to be especially present with them, and also with those we now name: (a moment of silence). We thank you, beloved Creator, for your attention to these special needs and requests.
Let us pray with love and gratitude to our God.
Presider: Oh Holy Creator, we thank you for hearing these prayers. You alone know what is best. Help us to keep our hearts open to your gentle urging that we may be made worthy of the promises of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns forever. Amen.