Lector: Oh Beloved Lamb of God: Despite the sorrows in your lovely creation, you are everywhere present. How beautiful the music given us, thanks to our Choir Director and the glorious masses sung this last weekend. What an extraordinary and great prayer! Beloved Creator, you were everywhere in that—thank you for the hard work and persistence of all concerned. Such works truly help to make the world a better place, in your name, Beloved God.
We thank you also for spring’s rapture on this lovely island, and for the patient guidance of our priests, Berto and Hugh, for our Bishop Gregory, and our Presiding Bishop, Michael, and all those spiritual leaders to whom the world looks for guidance. We thank you also for the Vestry and its ongoing efforts to plan for us with wisdom, compassion, and prudence. May all your loving servants be of good health and good heart through these troubled times. Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Beloved Lamb: We pray most fervently here for our country and its leaders. We mention particularly, Jay our Governor, Donald our President, and all those to whom they turn for information and support. We pray they take your outreached hand as they move forward in establishing and maintaining policies of justice and liberty, extending true hospitality to the stranger, and doing all they can to secure the safety and well-being of your children everywhere. Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Beloved Lamb: Throughout your creation many of your people are suffering untimely deaths. Families are assaulted in places of worship. Whales in the sea are starving. Students are shot at their studies. Animals everywhere suffer for lack of care, limited forage and other resources. Natural disasters are escalating, partly because of human carelessness. Let us not forget that, as Creator of all, you have made us your stewards. May the scales fall from our eyes so that we take full responsibility to assure the health and balance of life on Earth. Lord in your Mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Beloved Creator: We ask compassionate assistance for the downtrodden, the homeless, the lonely, the under-employed, those who suffer from mental and other prolonged afflictions, and for people who suffer from addictions of all kinds, for those separated from their families by political and other inequities, and for victims of hate crimes everywhere. Please bless both perpetrators and victims that all might move forward on the twin paths of love and justice. Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Beloved Creator: So many in our parish need extra loving attention just at the moment. Please help these members of our Parish Prayer List including…
We also bestow urgent prayers for those whose names we now add silently or aloud (a long moment). We ask peaceful transitions for the dying, and particular comfort for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones. Lord in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.
Presider: Dear Shepherd of lambs lost and found who is Himself both lamb and lord; you have walked in the footsteps of victims and are at the same time the triumphant savior of all. May we remember to celebrate your resurrection with each breath, so that, like Tabitha, we may rise from sleep into full and devoted service to you, drinking deeply of the water of life, now and forever. Amen.