Lector: We love you Lord. We pray for your church and especially for, our Presiding Bishop Michael, our Bishop Greg, and our priests Berto and Hugh; may your word be in their mouths and their hearts to inspire us to be your servants.

My God, we put our trust in you.

We love you Lord.  We pray for these United States especially for our President Donald, our Governor Jay and the Congress to protect this beautiful country and enable us to live in peace.

My God, we put our trust in you.

We love you Lord.  We pray for peace throughout the world especially in the Middle East and relief for those suffering from earthquakes, heat, floods and fires.

My God, we put our trust in you.

We love you Lord.  We give thanks for the generosity of this community in giving over $240,000 for April’s Grove and over $100,00 to Children’s House to elect our new Honorary Mayor, Noni and for all the candidate’s campaign managers especially Chris and Lori.

My God, we put our trust in you.

We love you Lord.  We ask for each of us to be aware of the Holy Spirit as we prayerfully consider our gift to the Restore, Preserve and Share campaign so we may have generous hearts.

My God, we put our trust in you.

We love you Lord.  We pray for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit, from addiction, unemployment or homelessness, particularly those we now name either silently or aloud, (pause) and especially for those on our parish prayer list…; may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.

My God, we put our trust in you.

We love you Lord.  We pray that those near death may be comforted by your Spirit, that those who have died, especially Beth Jurgensen, may be greeted by angels and those who mourn, especially Beth’s family, may be enveloped by your love.

My God, we put our trust in you.

Presider: Almighty God, we strive to love you with our whole hearts, be merciful with your servants as we put our trust in you, through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.