Dear Holy Lord, You are the Alpha and Omega. We come to you in prayer today, for peace and assurance for the world, in the midst of atrocities, hatefulness, freezing storms and raging fires. We ask for your guidance in decision making for those in power, that your will shall be done.
Lord, you are our constant defense, our wisdom and our endurance.
We pray for your guidance in our government, for the President and Executive branch, the Congress and Senate, the Supreme Court and other judges, that your wisdom shall rule the decision-making for those who hold our trust.
Lord, let them not be weary in doing what is right.
We pray for all people who suffer danger, fear, famine, homelessness, and turmoil. We long to be instruments of your love in creating peace in the world. Let us not be timid to speak and act accordingly.
Lord, you are our defense, our wisdom and our endurance. Let us not be weary in doing what is right.
We pray for your churches and ministers in this time of need, that they may be powerful leaders of example, strength and purpose in your service. We pray for the safety and bravery of those in dangerous situations. Lift their hearts to you in peace.
Lord, we are grateful for your loving gift of our Emmanuel priests Fr. Berto and Fr. Hugh, Bishop Greg, and Presiding Bishop Michael.
We pray for all people in this Orcas Island community, for the children and their creative teachers, for those in transition, those suffering illness and pain, those carrying burdens and for our neighbors we have not met. Bless each one as you know their need, especially those we hold up tp you now, either silently or aloud (pause), and those we name here:
Lord, we thank you for uniting and healing us through your son, Jesus Christ, in the fellowship of your Holy Spirit.
We pray for the natural world we depend upon, the forests and earth, the air and oceans, and the urgent need to change our habits and businesses which are destructively changing our climate. Lead the leaders for awareness and action.
Lord, Give us your words and wisdom in doing what is right. We will not be weary.
We pray for those who have passed from our sight, that they are joyful in your care with the saints and angels we know surround them with your love.
We embrace and hold fast the blessed hope of your everlasting love.
Let us each use the gifts you have blessed us with, to carry the spirit of Jesus into our daily life. As our guide, let us do the work you lead us to, in service where we sense the need, giving ourselves with joy and the gift of fulfillment.
Glory to you Lord, whose power working in us will always do more than we can do alone.
Presider: Gracious God, creator of our being, thank you for the quiet place you give us to hear you, to pray from our hearts for your wisdom to do what is right. We share with each other the love you offer freely, guided by the Holy Spirit in kindness and service as taught by Jesus the Christ. Amen.