Dear Lord, Creator of all, in our sleeping and in our waking, you are God. To you our hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid. We long for your peace and assurance in these times of illness and fear, throughout the world. We are united in many ways. Let us notice the love. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
In these uncertain times of social separation and disruption in our lives, we have new opportunities to seek Christ as our shepherd. May it spread through the world in peaceful ways of service to others. There is so much caring in the midst of the suffering. Let the love prevail and continue as the world recovers.
We pray for those who are sick, injured, frightened, abused, angry, depressed, hungry, homeless, and separated from loved ones. We pray for the hurting families of people who have died. We pray for Your peace in each of them Lord. I shall fear no evil, for you are with me Lord.
We pray for your guidance for our nation and leaders, that Your will shall be done. We pray for equality, righteousness, help for the helpless, food for the hungry and healthcare for families in need. The world is in your hands Lord. Lead us in your ways.
We pray with deep gratitude for Emmanuel Parish, in this sequestered time, when we are richly blessed with the ministry of Fr. Berto and Fr. Hugh, and the technical ministry of Bill Bangs and our online church services. We are grateful for connection to each other and pray for Bishop Greg and Presiding Bishop Michael. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
We pray for this island community, for those carrying burdens, for those who volunteer in service at the Food Bank, for those with no work or income, for Medics and first responders, for neighbors checking on neighbors, and for each person who seeks the comfort of our shepherd and guardian of our souls, Jesus Christ. Bless each one, as you know the need dear Lord. Help us serve each other.
As each of us seek your goodness and mercy, we ask you to restore and bless those we name here:… and for all those for whom no one prays.
We pray for peace to their hearts. Bless each one, as you know their need Lord.
We pray for the natural world of your creation. In this quiet calming of human and industrial activity, we notice animals, water and air recovering in healthful ways. May we allow it to be as you intend Lord. We long to be instruments of your love in creating peace in the world. We are your children Lord. Hear our prayer.
Presider: Gracious God, creator of our being, thank you for the quiet place you give us to listen to you. We pray from our hearts, to share the love you offer freely, in service to each other. Keep us in your care as we turn to the shepherd and guardian of our souls. It is always our time with Jesus the Christ. Amen.