Precious Lord, we read with fresh awareness the message of
the Gospel today: “Do not think that I have come to bring
peace to the earth.” Be with the peoples of the world as they
lift their voices for racial, economic, and social justice. Be
especially with those who do the heavy lifting to create a more
just and equitable world. Guide and protect them in their
In Christ we pray.
Precious Lord, we thank you deeply for Bishop Curry, Father
Berto, and the leaders of our beloved Episcopal church for
showing up and speaking out for racial justice in America.
Protect them and all those who decry the pernicious history of
racism in our nation and the world. Support them in their
work of the heart.
In Christ we pray.
Precious Lord, our nation is in turmoil as we face the three
scourges of a pandemic, mass unemployment, and racial
injustice. We pray especially for your unfailing help and
guidance as we seek solutions to immediate problems and
work and plan for a more equitable and just society, in which
all Americans thrive.
In Christ we pray.
Precious Lord, the present crises have revealed that those most
deeply affected by sickness and job loss are those whose lives
are already precarious — people of color and those with low income and fragile health. Be with us as we minister to our
brothers and sisters in need; inspire our leaders to write and
pass legislation that protects and lifts all people.
In Christ we pray.
Precious Lord, as we humans sheltered in place, the earth has
had cause to rejoice. Now that we contemplate a return to
active life, help us to remember the lessons we have learned
while sheltering, about what we truly need for fulfillment and
what we can do to ensure the health of all life on earth.
In Christ we pray.
Precious Lord, you promise that even the hairs of our heads
are all counted, and counsel us not to be afraid. We ask that
you bestow your great promise and great love on those who
are distressed in body, soul, and mind; that you support us as
we minister to those who suffer economic distress; that you be
especially with those who have suffered, in body and soul, the
wounds of racial violence; we ask that you bend in love to
those whose hearts are broken with grief, especially the family
of George Floyd. We ask that you be with the precious family
members and friends that we now name, including those on
our parish prayer list:
In Christ we pray.
Presider: In these troubling times, be swift and answer, for we
are in distress. Amen.