Intercessor: Beloved Mystery, in gratitude we turn to you, rejoicing in the longer days, and the reopening of many places. We sing your praises right along with the songbirds. Thank you for your many gifts and for all you have done to sustain us through these difficult months. Your hand is evident in the deeds of our priests, Berto and Hugh, in Bill’s work creating a virtual presence for our church, and in the kindness and goodness of so many who go out of their way to help those in need. The National Guard has been so capable in administering the vaccine locally and in the work they are doing throughout the land. We praise and thank all of these good souls, named and unnamed, who have done so much to heal and support others.
Oh Merciful God, your blessings are many.
Beloved Mystery, thank you for the gift of Lent, and the lessons it affords. May we learn to pray more deeply for one another and for our shared concerns. May we be open to your grace, a grace that reaches beyond the power of words…Help us to open our hearts and to become truly selfless in our service to you.
Oh Merciful God, your blessings are many.
Beloved Mystery, bless the leaders of our nation, and our state, and our island community with ears to hear, eyes to see, and the collective will to make a real difference. Help all to comprehend longterm effects and to choose actions that will benefit all of life, rather than ourselves alone. We pray that the human impact on planetary suffering may diminish, and that we each be strong enough to take necessary steps to restore damaged habitats on land and sea. Help leaders everywhere to restore peace, balance and integrity through wise and compassionate choices.
Oh Merciful God, your blessings are many.
We pray for the victims of war and oppression of every kind, and those who are ill, homeless, addicted, confused and lost. We ask blessings for all those in need of special prayer, including concerns known only to us. (Pause.) Our hearts join in supporting the prayers of all in our faith community.
O Merciful God, your blessings are many.
And at this time we ask your blessings for all those on our Parish Prayer List:
Oh Merciful God, your blessings are many.
And we pray for those who mourn, and for those recently deceased. May they be one with your immortal presence now and forever.
Oh Merciful God, your blessings are many.
Let us pray for those celebrating Birthdays this week:
O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants, Juliette McKenney (3/17) and Morgan Person (3/18), as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Let us pray for those celebrating wedding anniversaries this week:
Celebrating God, whose love enfolds the whole of life, who calls us into union with you and with one another, and who in creation blessed the partnership of marriage: on their wedding anniversary, grant to your servants, Mike & Sally Elliman (3/18) and George & Audrey Garrels (3/19), and to all who celebrate with them, thankful hearts for all that is past, joyful hearts for this day’s blessings and hopeful hearts for what is still to come. In the name of God the Maker, Son and Spirit, one God in community. Amen.