Source of Love, may we each listen to that true voice inside us and follow the path of Love. May our spirits know the right thing to do. Source of Compassion, we pray for our country that we will find ways to have civil discourse with each other at all levels – in our families, our neighborhoods, our legislative bodies, and our leaders.

May our spirits know the right thing to do.

Source of Wisdom, we are so grateful for the ministry of Fr. Berto and Fr. Hugh. We know it takes humility, wisdom, and a deep spiritual journey for them to lead us as they do.

Our hearts are full of thanksgiving.

Source of Human Connection, our world is immense, but person to person, it is small. We are separated by oceans, but it takes only a thought to make us one with another person. We hold in our hearts those who suffer around the world due to war, famine, and man’s inhumanity.

May we find ways to alleviate suffering.

Source of Wonder, the beauty of the earth and heavens is stunning, and we give thanks for it. May we protect it and live in such a way as to provide future generations a habitable and enriching world.

May our spirits know the right thing to do.

Source of Mercy, there are many people known to us and unknown to us who suffer from loneliness, depression, grief, addictions, poverty, and homelessness. Love and compassion are meant for them. We mention their names silently or aloud, (pause) and we also lift up the names of those on our parish prayer list… and those for whom no one prays.

We also think with love of those who are dying, as well as their caregivers. May Love surround them.

May we find ways to be that Love.