ntercessor:  Dear Lord of Compassion, we open our hearts to you in prayer for the world ,every day,  in the name of our savior, Jesus Christ.  May your churches throughout the world be inspired and guided through your Holy Spirit, with compassion for service to others.  You call us to offer food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless, aid to the injured, and safety for families and children.

Let the light of Jesus shine through us, to rise in the darkness with the Lord as our guide. 

Dear Lord of Steadfast Love, Bless all who enter your Emmanuel Parish. May they find you Lord, however they may seek your peace, in our service, concerts, labyrinth, prayer and meditation, or to rest in the beauty of this place of peace.  Bless our dear Fr. Berto, and Fr. Hugh, our Bishop elect Philip, Presiding Bishop Sean, and all who serve in our mission to love God, God’s creation, and our neighbors as ourselves. 

Lord of love and mercy, bless each of us in healing our own infirmities, as we seek guidance in compassionate service to others as Jesus Christ taught us..

Lord of great kindness, bring resolution to the world in crisis. We pray for all people seeking safety for their families, fleeing from danger and atrocities. Bring all nations uprightness of heart toward you, and turn leaders away from war, anger and hatred, into wise discernment between goodness and evil. We pray for your hand to be on the hearts and minds of all leaders to seek peace.

Lord of Power and Might, make us leaders for peace in the world, walking in your ways, and understanding to discern what is right. 

Lord of great steadfast love, Comfort prisoners and captives, the hungry and homeless, and all who suffer in body, mind or spirit. We pray for each person in need of your healing and peace, whether from illness, pain, loss or addiction, especially those we name on our Prayer List:   and those for whom no one prays.

Lord of Steadfast Love, bless those we carry in our hearts, and bring your renewal, healing and peace to each one.   We are all equally your children.

Lord of Creation, We pray for your beautiful natural world we depend on: clean air and water, the healing forests, and oceans. 

Lord of Power and Might, give all nations the wisdom, will and purpose to discern between truth and untruth, good and evil, to act with intention to urgently conserve this good earth, our home. 

Lord of Gracious Compassion, We pray for the helping professionals and volunteers who put themselves at risk to serve others, in the tumultuous war torn regions, and the rapidly occurring flooding, fires, and weather events around the world.

Lord of Power and Might, protect and sustain these men and women in their call to service, and all who serve for the good of others.

Lord of loving kindness, We pray for those who have died. May they be joyfully shining in your heavenly light.

Bless those who grieve the loss of loved ones. Hold each one close in your comfort dear Lord.

Lord of eternal goodness, nourish us with an understanding mind, to discern between good and evil. Graft in our hearts the love of your name, with all our soul, and all that is within us.. 

We pray with gratitude Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, to walk in the goodness of your ways, in our hearts, minds and intentions.
