Oh Holy Wisdom – Today’s scriptures ask us to serve without envy, without holding back, without keeping track of our good deeds, without seeking recognition. You ask us to be selfless. Please help us to do this with true humility, energized by the love that is our birthright and the source of our being. 
Let all works be done with the gentleness born of Wisdom.

Oh Holy Wisdom – Please keep our dear Berto and Hugh safe and well on their travels. May they return refreshed and renewed. And we ask your blessings on our new Bishop, Phillip, and on all spiritual leaders whose example does much to help people experience You more fully. And we are grateful for the service of Reverend Kate Kinney today and ask for blessings upon her in all that she does, and for all those whom she loves.
Let all works be done with the gentleness born of Wisdom.

Oh Holy Wisdom – may you descend upon all those who would misuse any of our resources against others.  Help us see how to use our many gifts for the benefit of all living souls. And help us find the will, strength, and courage to do what is best.
Let all works be done with the gentleness born of Wisdom.

Oh Holy Wisdom – May those in government service recognize and accept the guidance of Wisdom in the choices they make and the words they say. May government leaders put the needs of All before their own pride, embracing fully their mandate to be servants of the people, and of the very earth itself.
Let all works be done with the gentleness born of Wisdom.

Oh Holy Wisdom – may all children, and their caregivers and teachers come to understand the truest and deepest teachings of the Great Mystery so that we may live in harmony throughout the world. May all children be loved and cared for, as Mother Mary cared for Jesus.
Let all works be done with the gentleness born of Wisdom.

Oh Holy Wisdom – may all those who feel estranged from you, and from the current of love that sustains the universe, glimpse you long enough to have renewed hope. May a glimmer of light keep them safe on the rockiest paths.  We think particularly of those who have lost their homes due to war and natural disasters, and those who seek safety at our southern border.
Let all works be done with the gentleness born of Wisdom.

Oh Holy Wisdom – be with all those suffering from illness, addiction, prejudice, and poverty or other challenging concerns known privately to us (pause to mention silently or aloud) and for those on our Parish Prayer List, and for those for whom no one prays, may we look for them and comfort them with the Spirit of Love.

Oh Holy Wisdom – be with those facing death and with those who are grieving.  Comfort them in their hour of need.  We thank you for your tender mercy.
May the loving presence of Jesus the Christ enfold us in the mantle of sacred wisdom and the grace of Holy SophiaAmen.