We celebrate the growing insights into our faith that are being nurtured and expanded by our beloved Berto and Hugh. We thank you and pray for spiritual leaders everywhere in their efforts to guide people to a better way of being. For the Church and our call to work for reconciliation in Christ’s name, we pray,
Let our eyes see your salvation.

We ask that all those elected to public office hear the clarion voice of their truest calling: to serve our country and its people with honesty and true justice, with intent to enhance the common good.  We ask that our leaders find constructive, positive solutions to assist the many innocent people who turn to our nation for safety, work, and education. For all those in civil authority, that they may make decisions for the common good, we pray,
Let our eyes see your salvation.

For all those in places of strife, war and conflict; for those who suffer from systems of oppression and injustice; embolden us to respond with your love, justice, and mercy, we pray,
Let our eyes see your salvation.

For those who are without shelter, for those who hunger, for victims of inclement and violent weather; and for all those who are sick and suffering;, particularly those we now name silently or aloud (pause to name silently or aloud)… and especially for those on our parish prayer list (say the names together slowly)…  and those for whom no one prays,
Let our eyes see your salvation.

With heavy hearts, we pray for all those affected by the recent tragic air collision. We ask that you grant to them eternal rest. Let light perpetual shine upon them. May their souls and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. 
Let our eyes see your salvation.

For the many blessings of our lives, for ourselves and all those we love, we pray,
Let our eyes see your salvation.