Posts by Prayers of the People Team

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Prayers of the People, July 4

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor:  Holy Creator—before you we are in awe. We thank and praise you for this amazing planet, our lovely island, for our beloved priests, Berto and Hugh, our Bishop Greg, our Presiding Bishop Michael, and spiritual leaders everywhere.  May we heed their example and guidance. Let us recognize in all of creation, and respond with […]

Prayers of the People, June 27

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor: Dearest Holy God, Lord of all heaven and earth, we pray to you with hearts longing to know your peace with equality for all. We surrender our longing into your hands Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ.  I follow you in faith Lord. We pray for your churches throughout the world, that your […]

Prayers of the People, June 20

by Prayers of the People Team

Dearest Father-Mother God, we thank you for the fathers of our world, who, in their loving kindness, have committed themselves to peacemaking. Bless and keep them in their homes, workplaces, and in their work of healing around the world. In Christ we pray. Dearest Father-Mother God, we thank you for our priests, Father Berto and […]

Prayers of the People, June 13

by Prayers of the People Team

O Most High, it is a good thing to give thanks and to sing praises to your Name. We give thanks for your church, and its leaders Michael, Greg, Berto and Hugh. May they inspire us to give our neighbors a good life. For you have made me glad by your acts, O Lord. O […]

Prayers of the People, June 6

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor: Oh Great Mystery—great beyond all knowing, great beyond the power of mind to embrace. Dear God, we praise and thank you for your many gifts—our wonderful Bishop Gregory, who is visiting us today, our tireless clergy, Berto and Hugh, who continue valiantly to serve so many needs in our community. We thank you for […]

Prayers of the People, May 30

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor:  Dear Lord of Unconditional Love, We pray to you in the name of your son, Jesus Christ.  On this Trinity Sunday, we open our hearts to your Holy Spirit as we pray. Bless your churches of the world, hold them in your guidance, for we are all as one in your love. We are blessed with […]

Prayers of the People, May 23

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor:  Dearest Shepherd of all life, we ask for the green pastures and still waters of love abiding, that none on earth shall want for food, shelter, safety, and justice, including all species who call earth “home.” In Jesus’s name, we pray. Dearest Shepherd of the earthly church, help us to obey your commandments, so […]

Prayers of the People, May 16

by Prayers of the People Team

Eternal God, we give thanks for your church and our leaders, Michael, Greg, Berto and Hugh. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. May they inspire us to be your servants.  Protect us all in your name.  Eternal God, we give thanks for these United States. Remind our leaders that their delight is […]

Prayers of the People, May 9

Mysterious Creator – we cannot help but feel great delight as May blossoms forth, and we feel freer now to gather in person. Our community is blessed in so many ways. We are especially grateful for our inspiring faith leaders: fathers Berto and Hugh, Bishop Greg, and the Most Reverend Michael, and for the many […]

Prayers of the People, May 2

by Prayers of the People Team

We pray to you with open hearts, together in community, and as you know each of  us as your child. Lord, open us to abide in your love, and to love one another as Jesus loves us.Here I am Lord. Dear Lord of  all, Jesus said, the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it […]