Posts by Prayers of the People Team

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Prayers of the People, March 31

by Prayers of the People Team

God of love, we rejoice with angels, and all the host of heaven, as we celebrate the Resurrection of your Son. Bless today’s joyful celebration and turn our hearts to you with new delight and commitment. We praise you, Almighty God. Alleluia! Amen! God of mercy, bring your church to new life. Awaken in us […]

Prayers of the People, March 24

by Prayers of the People Team

Dearest Lord, we are so weary of war. In your tender love for us, please help us make peace in the world. Be with all people who suffer the loss of safety, family, home, work, food, and medical care, especially those in Gaza and Ukraine.  We sing Hallelujah at the promise of your merciful love.  […]

Prayers of the People, March 17

by Prayers of the People Team

Eternal God, we give thanks for your Universal Church and all its members. We are particularly grateful for our leaders: Michael, Melissa, Berto and Hugh. We ask that they inspire us to know that whoever serves You must follow You, and where You are, there will your servant be also. Take not your Holy Spirit […]

Prayers of the People, March 10

by Prayers of the People Team

We Pray for the World and the Church (4th Sunday in Lent) Lector: Beloved Mystery, we, your children, yearn to know you better.  During this time of Lent help us to be more aware of how we might live more fully as your beloved community.Help us to love one another and your creation more deeply. […]

Prayers of the People, March 3

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor Precious Lord, We come to you in prayer among the many frightening changes in the world. We have lost our patterns of daily life. Each day comes with deeper concern for the victims of outrageous wars, and those survivors in need of food, medicine, safety and shelter. We Pray for Peace! We pray to stop […]

Prayers of the People, February 25

by Prayers of the People Team

As those called to take up the cross and follow Christ, let us offer our prayers for all of God’s people that they may come to know the fullness of God’s promises. For the church, and especially for Michael, our Presiding Bishop, Melissa our Provisional Bishop, and our priests, Berto and Hugh, that in our Lenten […]

Prayers of the People, February 18

by Prayers of the People Team

Holy and Eternal One, we give thanks for your church and our leaders Michael, Melissa, Berto and Hugh. May our faith and their words bless our community with compassion and grace that we may serve one another with deference and respect. Great is our God and mighty in powers; there is no limit to God’s […]

Prayers of the People, February 11

by Prayers of the People Team

Beloved Mystery, great Sacred Cloud of Unknowing—As we climb the holy mountain, whether we are at its foot, or somewhere higher, we sing your praises. We thank you, we bless you, we glorify you. You are everywhere, in all this creation, and at the same time you hide in a cloud, majestic and elusive. We […]

Prayers of the People, February 4

by Prayers of the People Team

Lord, we give thanks for renewed strength as we wait on you. You promise that we will mount up with wings like eagles, and that we will not be weary or faint.Let us pray to the Lord. As Paul became all things to all people, so that he might help them enter your Kingdom, enable […]

Prayers of the People, January 28

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord, grant us your peace. We pray for the end of war and suffering. We pray for peace for the peoples of Israel, Gaza, and Ukraine. We pray for the end of war, forever, worldwide. The Lord is gracious and full of compassion. Precious Lord, we give thanks to you for our loving parish, […]