Prayers of the People, March 20

by Prayers of the People Team

Eternal God of Abraham and Sarah, of Isaac and Rebecca, of Jacob, Leah and Rachel, may your church in all its forms inspire each of us so that when we sit down to eat and drink, we rise up not to play but rather to praise you and be your servants. O God, you are […]

Prayers of the People, March 13

by Prayers of the People Team

Oh Beloved Holy Mystery: A time of transformation is upon us. Buds are bursting, birds nesting, leaves unfurling. We thank you for the renewal and affirmation of life here on our island. We thank you for one another, for our faith in You. We thank you for peacemakers here and throughout the world. We thank […]

Sunday Worship, March 13

by SKM

Berto and Hugh are away this week. Morning Prayer will be led by Anthony Terndrup at 8 and Antoinette Botsford at 10. We have in person worship at 8 and 10 AM. Each service is recorded and available on YouTube. Click here for YouTube of the 8 AM service. Here’s the combined bulletin for both […]

Prayers of the People, March 6

by Prayers of the People Team

Intercessor:  Dear Lord, We come to you in prayer among the swift and frightening changes in the world. In this special time of Lent, we open our hearts to your spirit of transformation. Bless our precious Emmanuel Church, the hands and hearts who serve our island community, our beloved priest Fr. Berto, Fr. Hugh, Bishop […]

Sunday Worship, March 6

by SKM

We have in person worship at 8 and 10 AM. Each service is recorded and available on YouTube. Click here for YouTube of the 8 AM service. Here’s the 8 AM bulletin. Click here for the 10 AM via YouTube. Here’s the 10 AM bulletin. Readings for this Sunday, March 6 Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Romans 10:8b-13 Luke […]

Ash Wednesday, March 2

by SKM

The season of Lent is a time of preparation. We cannot experiencethe joy of Easter without preparing and embarking on the journeythat carries us through Lent. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Our service with imposition of ashes will be at 6:00 PM You can watch via YouTube here. Here’s the bulletin.

Sunday Worship, March 6

by SKM

We have in person worship at 8 and 10 AM. Each service is recorded and available on YouTube. Click here for YouTube of the 8 AM service. Here’s the 8 AM bulletin. Click here for the 10 AM via YouTube. Here’s the 10 AM bulletin. Readings for this Sunday, February 27: Exodus 34:29-35 2 Corinthians […]

Prayers of the People, February 27

by Prayers of the People Team

Proclaim the greatness of the Lord our God, for the Lord our God is the Holy One. Placing our hope in God, offering ourselves to God, let us pray, “Shine in our hearts, Lord Jesus, and transform our lives.”  Almighty God, as we turn our gaze toward our Lenten journey, strengthen us to bear our […]

Annual Meeting, February 27

by SKM

CONVOCATION FOR THE ANNUAL PARISH MEETINGOF EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL PARISH OF ORCAS ISLANDOur annual parish meeting will be on Sunday February, 27 at 11:30am. Due to the current restrictions on public assemblies, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our annual meeting will be via Zoom. We need to have at least 25 “qualified electors” in order to […]