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Prayers of the People 13 Pentecost: September 7

by Prayers of the People Team

O God, we pray for the universal church so that we will be fed in mind and soul and in turn feed others with the strength that we receive from you. In hope, we pray, Come, Jesus, come. We pray that the people of the United States of America and their leaders discern what is […]

Prayers of the People 12 Pentecost August 31

by Prayers of the People Team

For the members of our parish, our diocese, and the church in the world, Let us be present to the divine. For the fearful, the disabled, and the hungry, Let us be present to the divine. For the needs of those on our parish prayer list, Let us be present to the divine. For people […]

Prayers of the People Pentecost 11 August 24

by Prayers of the People Team

Dearest Lord God, help the seven billion peoples of the seven continents, so many and so varied in language and culture, to discern what is good and acceptable and perfect for your world so that, putting aside ourdifferences, we might strive diligently to achieve your will for us, here on earth. Our help is in […]

Prayers of the People 9 Pentecost August 10

by Prayers of the People Team

Leader: For the members of our parish, our diocese, and the church in the world, People: How beautiful are the feet of them who bring good news! Leader: For the baptism of Margaret Jean Frix, and for her family, People: How beautiful are the feet of them who bring good news! Leader: For the individual […]

Prayers of the People Pentecost 8: August 3

by Prayers of the People Team

Dear Lord God of all, In the brief time of our amazing life, hold us in this moment of knowing that we are one with You God, the creator of all that is. We pray that You will bring us closer to You when we have doubts and uncertainty. We ask for Your strength and […]

Prayers of the People Pentecost 7 July 27

by Prayers of the People Team

Dearest Lord, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy, hold this precious world and all its peoples in your loving hands, especially those suffering violence and fear in Africa and the Middle East. Teach us to love creation and one another as Christ loves us. Dearest Lord, we pray. Dearest Lord, without whom nothing […]

Prayers of the People Pentecost 6 July 20

by Prayers of the People Team

We pray for your Church, especially Greg, our Bishop, Walter, who is with us today,  Berto, our new Rector, and ourselves, your ministers that we may all work to fulfill your mission. Abba, we, your children, wait with patience. We pray for this Nation and especially the innocent children left in the middle of chaos […]

Prayers of the People Pentecost 5 July 13

by Prayers of the People Team

For the ability to use our talents wisely, Let us hear the word of the Lord, and understand it. For the girls and women who have escaped the Nigerian extremists, and for those still enslaved, Let us hear the word of the Lord, and understand it. For friends and family and warm summer days, Let […]

Prayers of the People Pentecost 4 July 6

by Prayers of the People Team

We pray for the church, for all faithful people everywhere, for Greg, our bishop, and our new rector. Gracious God, give us strength as we work and witness in your world. Unite this parish in your truth and love, and help us to show your love to others. God of love, Grant our prayer. We pray […]

Prayers of the People Pentecost 3 June 29

by Prayers of the People Team

Precious Lord, like Abraham, let us answer, “Here I am,” trusting in your purpose and provision for us, trusting in your mercy and your love for the world. Dearest Lord, we pray. Precious Lord, like Abraham, let your church answer, “Here I am.”  Help our little church by the water to be a holy temple, […]