For peace among the nations, between neighbors and family members, and within our hearts:  … we pray,

God, hear our prayer.

For the church:  may the church walk with those most in need and may Emmanuel be open to all our neighbors on Orcas… we pray,

God, hear our prayer.

For those who struggle with habits or addictions that prevent them from living as they want to live … we pray,

God, hear our prayer.

 For those we find difficult to forgive: for those who have hurt us or our families or our nation, that God will bless them … we pray,

God, hear our prayer.

 For those who find it difficult to forgive us: for the grace to do what we can to make peace and bring about reconciliation with anyone we have harmed … we pray,

God, hear our prayer.

For those who have asked for our prayers and for whom we have promised to pray … we pray,

God, hear our prayer.

For those who have died and for those who mourn lost opportunities and long for one more word, one more embrace … we pray,

God, hear our prayer.

Celebrant:  Good and gracious God, hear our prayers for the better world we long for, the better person we long to be, and grant us the grace to play our part in the transformation of a small corner of this world into heaven on earth. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.