Now, we will pray to seek and serve others through the gifts and abundance we enjoy.

Help us to remember the example of Francis of Assisi, and help us to remember that we are the hands and feet of Christ.

We pray to share your peace, dear Lord.

Help us to bring healing to this hurting world. Help us to act as Jesus to those in need.

We pray to share your peace, dear Lord.

Help us to appreciate our many blessings. Help us to share what we have with others.

We pray to share your peace, dear Lord.

Help us especially to share your hope, your care of each and every person in this world, and your Kingdom of Heaven, so that all will have abundant life in you.

We pray to share your peace, dear Lord.

We also pray for those in need in our own community, especially those on our parish prayer list. Your prayers are welcomed either aloud or silently.

We pray to share your peace, dear Lord.

We thank you, Lord, for the gift of animals in our world. We thank you for the role of animals in serving as our companions, in fertilizing our soil, in pollinating our plants and in providing food and drink for us. We pray for those who raise animals to support themselves and their families, and we pray to help give others gifts for life. In Christ’s name, Amen.