Lector: Fill us with the Holy Spirit, rather than new wine, so that we may speak truth and act as your servants.

Bless your church and all who worship you so they may be your servants on this earth spreading your truth.  We give thanks for all ministers, especially our Rector, Berto, who inspire us to be faithful servants.  We give thanks for our ancestors who wrote the first Book of Common Prayer that is celebrated this week; may those venerable words continue to guide us in our petitions to you.

Come Holy Spirit, Come.

Bless these United States and all our leaders.  May they put pettiness aside, make wise decisions on our behalf and lead all of us safely into a sustainable future.

Come Holy Spirit, Come.

Bless this fragile earth, our island home and all inhabitants.  May they be spared from war, natural disaster and disease so they may care for one another as well as the land, sea and air for future generations.

Come Holy Spirit, Come.

Bless all our neighbors on Orcas.  We give you thanks for living in this beauty and sharing the Salish Sea with all its creatures.  May we care for it well and be gracious hosts to this summer’s visitors, including those without homes.

Come Holy Spirit, Come.

Bless the Lord, O my soul. We give thanks, Holy Spirit, for the comfort you provide to all those suffering from sickness, financial stress, underemployment or any kind of trouble especially those on our parish prayer list…  When we or they do not know how to pray as we ought, may the Holy Spirit intercede with sighs too deep for words.

Come Holy Spirit, Come.

Bless us as we mourn our departed loved ones, especially those we remember this Memorial Day for their service to this country, taking comfort in knowing you welcome their souls.

Come Holy Spirit, Come.

Presider: We give thanks for the gift of the Holy Spirit filling our hearts, may we speak and act your truth bringing eternal life to this world through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.