Lord of all, teach us to pray with gratitude and happiness. Come and listen to us, Lord. 

Forever guide and inner companion, show us how to make our church a welcome home for all. Remind us that there is much work to be done in healing relationships in the world, our nation, our island, and our parish. Inspire us to ?nd new ways of being your hands and feet. Come and listen to us, Lord.

Patient one, keep us from rushing past the lonely, the hungry, and the neglected people who are in our lives everyday. Come and listen to us, Lord.

Gentle one, guide us to ?nd time everyday dedicated to our relationship with you, through prayer and meditation, silence and solitude. Come and listen to us, Lord.

Powerful one, help us to support the religious and civil leaders of the nation in their work to make a world where all people can sleep in peace and eat in good company. Come and listen to us, Lord.

Chiding one, keep us from the tedium and routine that deadens our spirits and darkens our thoughts. Come and listen to us, Lord.

Healing one, touch those who are in need of physical, emotional, and spiritual care, especially those on our parish prayer list.

May we be your hands and heart to those who are su?ering. Come and listen to us, Lord.

Understanding one, we miss those who have gone before us into your eternity. Give us hope and comfort in our memories of them. Come and listen to us, Lord.

Presider: Good and gracious God, we all thank you for gathering us here today to be present in the mystery. Amen.