May your church not only provide comfort to its members but inspire them to carry out your mission on this earth. Lord, hear our prayer.
May the leaders of this country set aside differences and work together for all our fellow citizens. Lord, hear our prayer.
May anyone in harm’s way from war, hunger, drought, floods, or terrorism throughout the world find safety and refuge. Lord, hear our prayer.
May all in need of shelter during severe cold weather find a welcome and warmth. We give thanks for shelter volunteers and especially for Jeanine who has volunteered to coordinate our efforts. Lord, hear our prayer.
May we your children of Emmanuel listen to each other at today’s meetings discussing vestry size and be prayerfully generous to return to God a share of that with which we’ve been blessed. Lord, hear our prayer.
May those that struggle with addictions, are in recovery, or suffer in body, mind, spirit, be aware of your Holy Spirit, especially those we now name: Lord, hear our prayer.
May we remember the departed, especially the Kristallnacht martyrs who died 77 years ago tomorrow when 191 synagogues were burned to the ground and John Duns Scotus, who died on this date in 1308, and called God “infinite love”. May we believe in your love while we struggle to make this temporal world safe for everyone. Lord, hear our prayer.
Presider: Lord, hear the prayers of your children; watch over us so our labor is not in vain. Amen.