Dearest Lord, we survey our world and, with heavy hearts, watch nation rise against nation, and worse — nations rise against their own peoples. Our hearts are heavy with sadness for the victims of violence. Help us ?nd homes for the world’s refugees. Bring peace to the Middle East and Africa.  Dearest Lord, we pray.

Dearest Lord, there is no rock like our God. Help us to approach you with clean hearts. Let us provoke one another to love and good deeds, encouraging one another in full assurance of faith. Dearest Lord, we pray.

Dearest Lord, likewise let our nation be a model of love and good deeds for all peoples, regardless of their color, beliefs, abilities and circumstances. Dearest Lord, we pray.

Dearest Lord, you raise up the poor from the dust and lift the needy from the ash heap. Lest in our comfort we forget, help us to remember that service to the poor, the foreigner, the widow and the orphan is your mission for us in the world. Dearest Lord, we pray.

Dearest Lord, the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s. On them you have set the world. Let us care for the air, the earth, the seas, and all who inhabit them as wondrous expressions of your greatness and love. Dearest Lord, we pray.


Dearest Lord, if the birth pangs of your kingdom are su?ering, help us to understand our su?ering as an opening to your greater love and understanding. Be with those of us who are in pain in mind, spirit, and body, especially those on our parish prayer list…Dearest Lord, we pray.

Presider:  Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful.  Amen.