Lector:  Dearest Lord, in this New Year, please send the dove of peace into our broken world that so desperately needs it. Anoint us with your holy spirit, that we may know and do your loving will in the world.      In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, in this year 2016, let your church be a beacon of love and good will toward all peoples, no matter what their beliefs or circumstances. Anoint us with your holy spirit, that we may know and do your loving will in the world.     In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, the year 2016 will be crucial for the United States, as we face crises abroad and at home and a presidential election. Anoint us with your holy spirit, that we may know and do your loving will in the world.  In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, we are a world of plenty, yet so many are in need. Be with those who hunger and thirst after peace and security. Anoint us with your holy spirit, that we may see you in all peoples, and know and do your loving will in the world.   In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, the natural world reveals the splendor of your spirit. Anoint us, too, with the holy spirit, that we may see you in all things, and know and do your loving will in the world.    In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, be with those among us who are su?ering in body, mind, and spirit. Our fervent prayer is that they might know the comfort of your holy spirit. Anoint us, as well, with your healing spirit as we minister to them, especially those on our parish prayer list… In Christ we pray.

Presider:  And the Lord said, do not fear, for I am with you. Amen.