We pray for your church that it may let everyone who is thirsty come. We pray especially for Michael, our presiding bishop, Greg, our bishop, Berto, our Rector and all mothers who are priests may they welcome anyone who wishes to take the water of life.

Come, Lord Jesus!

We pray for these United States and those that work for our common good, especially all mothers who are first responders.

Come, Lord Jesus!

We pray for our earth and all that work to preserve it including mothers that work for a sustainable future. Let the multitude of the isles be glad.

Come, Lord Jesus!

We pray for our beloved Orcas Island and the surrounding Salish Sea may we be good stewards of this precious island.

Come, Lord Jesus!

We give thanks for Dinner Kitchen and Food Bank lunch volunteers. We give thanks for our mothers.

Come, Lord Jesus!

We pray for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit especially those we now nameā€¦

May they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.

Come, Lord Jesus!

We pray for those who have died, those near death and those that mourn. We give thanks for Karl Barth, deceased theologian, born on May 10, 1886.

Come, Lord Jesus!

Presider: We know you hear our prayers because we see your love through the nurturing love of mothers who we celebrate today and who we should celebrate and support always. Amen.