Lector:  Oh Great Mystery, Creator of All, how our souls long to know you.  Help us to see you in every face, in every tree, in every fallen leaf and drop of rain. We rejoice in your creation and praise  your name as the psalmist did, so long ago.

How dear to us is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! 

We thank you for the beauty of days, the abundance of harvest, the kindness and generosity of our spiritual community, and the creative expressions of all who participated in the Blue Lamb Boutique. We are grateful for the ministry of David Moore, our celebrant and preacher this morning, and ask blessings for him and his loved ones.  Please keep our parish priests, Berto and Hugh, safe and well on their journey.  Bless Bishop Greg, and Archbishop Michael,  whose leadership and inspiration reach far beyond the walls of formal faith. And bless all those spiritual leaders everywhere whose loving example upholds the golden rule. 

How dear to us is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts!

The world is in turmoil.  Many of the youngest and most vulnerable face terrible challenges.  We ask again and again–what can we  do to better serve your creation?   Help each of us to hear the voice of wisdom, and better learn to identify and counteract the unintended consequences of folly and greed.  Help us to live more simply so that others may simply live.  

How dear to us is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts!

We pray profoundly that those in authority find the will and strength to lessen the burdens of the downtrodden and find fair solutions to assist those most in need. 

How dear to us is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts!

Let us work together and individually to find ways to  bring sunshine to the desolate days of the homeless, the despairing, those suffering from addiction and illness, from war and natural disasters. Let us reach out with prayer, kindly acknowledgement, and practical assistance wherever possible, in hope that all may  come to recognize and rejoice in the living god who is everywhere around us.

How dear is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! 

Let none who have found you desert you, dear Jesus.  From the lion’s jaws rescue the victims of those who have defied wisdom.  May all  find the comfort and healing that only you can bring. We now pray together for those on our Parish Prayer List:  .

We also offer loving prayers for the bereaved and for concerns known privately to ourselves and to you, Dear Lord (mention silently or aloud). 

May all be filled with peace.

Presider:  Oh Heavenly Mystery,  your reach is limitless; your heart contains us all. Our prayers pour out as libations to you. Help all to find serenity in the eye of the storm.  We place our trust in your goodness, and in your guiding presence, now and forever.  Amen.