Intercessor:   Dear God, who loves us all equally, today we come out of our Lenten “Fast of the Senses”, to celebrate with great joy, the resurrection of your son Jesus Christ, to be our savior forever.  Jesus triumphed over death at the hands of political and religious authorities of his time.  May His sacrifice and resurrection lead us to follow his eternal life in the joy of God.

Dear God of Love, Thank you for your son, Jesus, who rolls away the stone from our cave, to receive your Grace and Love.

Dear God, who loves us all equally, we pray for our nation living in mutual respect for each other, with decency and equal human rights. We come in many colors, races, appearances, and cultures.  We pray for our government and public servants at all levels, in all states, and all backgrounds, to restore civility while serving with respect and dignity.  We cannot ignore the bright light shining on the darkness in our history.

Dear God of Love, inspire us to show forth in our lives, what we profess by our faith, and do unto each other as we ask for our own family.

Dear God of Love, we pray for your healing and whole-ness, especially in the face of the pandemic virus which brings our world together in need.  Bless those who suffer and the families who mourn.  Bless those who have lost jobs and homes.  Bless those with severe storm damage to life and home. Bless the the volunteer hearts and hands of the food banks, the generosity of cooks and farmers, teachers, medical and hospital teams, first responders, and citizens coming forth in service with compassion and courage. We see the message of Jesus all around us.

Dear God of Love, Thank you for the kindness of strangers at every turn.  We each have the capacity to affirm your love.

Bless and inspire our beloved Episcopal leaders, Presiding Bishop Michael, Bishop Gregory, Fr. Berto, Fr. Hugh, our Vestry, the Agape team, Bill and Margie, Karen and Lisa, Marianne and Carl, and all who bring their vitality to your service through the caring community of Emmanuel, in the name of Jesus Christ. We are deeply grateful for the profound and abundant Lent and Easter ministry and services by Fr. Berto and Fr. Hugh, with the technical support of Bill Bangs.

Dear God of Love, we are blessed and grateful for this church family in service to the community, with hearts full of your Holy Spirit. Bless and heal Ava, and her bright spirit. We love Ava.

We pray for the natural environment we cherish, for the animals, earth, air, and waters, and for bold policies of action to stop our damage to the changing climate. 

Dear God of Love, We are richly blessed.  We pray for healing of your natural order. 

We pray for this island community, for the children, families, those carrying burdens, and for our neighbors. Lord, protect the vulnerable, the frightened and lonely,  those in danger, sickness, the homeless, the hungry, addicted, mentally or spiritually struggling, and those whose needs you know.  

We pray especially for those in our hearts and those we name here: … and for those for whom no one prays.  May they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.

Dear God of Love, we are one family in the light of your love. God loves us all equally, with no partiality from the timid to the eloquent. In God there is no darkness. 

God of Love, We pray for those who have passed from our sight, that they are tenderly in your care, and joyful in your Love.

Lord, may the grace of the resurrected Lord Jesus be with them.

Gracious God of Love, Thank you for the quiet place you give us to listen and pray to you.  This Easter season, we follow our savior Jesus in the mystery of the Risen Christ, with faith in His promise and undying love for us.

God of Love, Thank you for your son Jesus, the bread of life.  As we celebrate Easter we pray in His name.  Hear our prayer. Hallelujah! Amen.