Intercessor:   Holy Mystery—many of us feel torn and confused—with or without a mask, with or without vaccination—we long for familiar, easy ways—and we also long to know you. We yearn to take you fully into our hearts, to know deep wisdom, to sing your song with open hearts.

Let your mercy support and bless us evermore.

And we are thankful, dear One. We have much to be grateful for, despite the many difficulties the world faces. Our Parish priests, Berto and Hugh, give so freely and creatively of the gifts you have bestowed upon them.  Their guidance holds us steady in troubled times.

Let your mercy support and bless them evermore.

We are thankful for the Food Bank and all its contributors here on Orcas Island.  This resplendent mirror of the harvest and your unending gifts gleam and inspire and feed so many, regardless of creed, color, or gender. We are thankful for the beauty that surrounds us—the great trees, the wild creatures, the ocean waves and crying gulls—and so much more. (Pause to think of a personal gratitude.)

Let your mercy support and bless them evermore.

We pray for the well being of spiritual leaders everywhere.  May they bless their followers with profound awareness of the Highest Good and inspire greater harmony among those on spiritual paths different from their own.

Let your mercy support and bless them evermore.

We pray for political leaders who must find their way through tangles of bias and misinformation.  May true discernment, truth, and loving kindness impel their decisions.

Let your mercy support and bless them evermore.

We turn to you and bow our heads as we pray for the homeless, for the victims of war and pandemic and natural disaster. May outer chaos not overwhelm inner truth, may every heart know love and healing.   We pray also for the health and safety of all those participating in the Tokyo Olympics—spectators and athletes—and all who call Tokyo their home.  

Let your mercy support and bless them evermore.

You have shown us that healing could be physical and emotional. We understand that your works and wonders here on earth are mere foreshadowings of the glory that awaits. All can be healed, all can be whole. Help each of us to hear and heed the voices that try to guide us. Help us to remember that the bread of life is ours to take and to share and that it carries with it eternal salvation—and that there is no end to its abundance. With this in mind, we ask special help for those on our Parish Prayer List: and for those for whom no one prays, may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit. 

We take time here to bring forth our individual concerns and intentions, speaking silently or aloud: (Pause…)

United in heart and mind, your people ask for assistance and understanding, that all may be well.

Let your mercy support and bless us all evermore.

And we pray for those forgotten ones for whom no one prays;  we pray for the departed among us (Pause…), and for those who grieve them.  And we pray for the reunion of all souls within your Mighty Presence in a love that surpasses all understanding.

Let your mercy support and bless them evermore.  Amen.

Let us pray for those celebrating Birthdays this week: 

O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants, Margie Bangs (8/1), Mary Greenwell (8/1), and Doug McDonald (8/6), as they begin another year.  Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Let us pray for those celebrating Anniversaries this week:

Grant, O God, in your compassion, that Keith & Denise Beckwith (8/1) having taken each other in marriage, and affirming again the covenant which they have made, may grow in forgiveness, loyalty, and love; and come at last to the eternal joys which you have promised through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.