Precious Lord, we seek to honor your example of the godly life by following in your loving footsteps. Help us, the peoples of the world, to turn from evil to do good, to seek peace and pursue it.

In Christ we pray. 

Precious Lord, you instruct us to be careful about how we live, asking us to fill ourselves with the spirit and give thanks to God at all times. Help us to walk in the way of your wisdom, to hear, and understand, and to do your will.

In Christ we pray.

Precious Lord, you remind us to keep our tongues from evil speaking and our lips from lying words. Be with the citizens and leaders of our precious nation as we seek a way forward that honors civil and truthful discourse.

In Christ we pray.

Precious Lord, your example of love for the poor is the model for our work in the world. Be with us as we tend to the needs of those without housing, food, safety, satisfying work and tender, loving care. Be with us as we raise the flags of justice and equality for all the peoples of the world.

In Christ we pray.

Precious Lord, oh what a beautiful world you have given us to enjoy and love. We are alarmed by the destruction we humans have wrought to the air, earth, and the seas, to the plants and animals with whom we share creation. Help us to heal the earth before it is too late.

In Christ we pray.

Precious Lord, you promise that those who seek you will lack nothing that is good We lift to your love our brothers and sisters suffering in mind, body and spirit; we lift to your love the deceased and their grieving families; we lift to your love the family members and friends we now name silently and aloud (pause), including those on our parish prayer list (please pray slowly): … and for those for whom no one prays, may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.