Oh Beloved Christ, Heartbeat and Light of the World—on this special day we celebrate the great glory you offer to all the nations. We are reminded that even as the King of Glory, you shed your own precious blood for all of us; you suffered humiliation and disgrace so that even the most downtrodden and degraded among us might be filled with hope. Help us to follow your example and carry our own difficulties with dignity and forbearance.

Be our refuge and our strength, a very present help in time of trouble.

And this is also time in this country for a feast of gratitude—certainly here on Orcas Island we have much to be grateful for—for clean water, for fruitful farms, for beauty, for hearts and hands ready to help. We are especially grateful for and pray for our beloved priests Berto and Hugh, our bishop Greg, our presiding bishop Michael, and spiritual leaders everywhere. We are grateful for all who participated in the Blue Lamb Boutique, and thank you for the blessings this brings upon our church and our larger community.  May all hear the Great Wisdom that is the soul of creation and that resounds as your true voice in the hearts of all who walk the path of love.  

You are our refuge and our strength, a very present help in time of trouble.

May we all celebrate this coming Thanksgiving Day with true gratitude and acknowledgement of all who have lived on this land in bygone times.  Few people in the world have the comfort and riches that we enjoy here.  Let us never forget you and do all we can to share our abundant blessings with those in need.

Be our refuge and our strength, a very present help in time of trouble.

We pray for all the nations at war, within their own borders, and with other countries, for the refugees of those countries, for those suffering traumas as the result of these wars, for those suffering from inadequate food and water brought about by climate change and warfare.

Be their refuge and their strength, a very present help in time of trouble.

Uneasiness stalks the streets of universities and schools throughout our land.

Our tears join those of families and communities afflicted by recent murders on university campuses in our country. We pray with all our hearts that everyone with mental illness find the help they need, and that people use weapons with restraint and wisdom.

Be our refuge and our strength, a very present help in time of trouble.

We offer heartfelt prayers for those in our church in need of prayer, including … and for those for whom no one prays, may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.  Be their refuge and their strength, a very present help in time of trouble.

And for the recently bereaved, and those who have gone before and who are greatly missed at this time, we fervently pray.  And we pray for those special individuals and concerns known only to us:

 [add names silently or aloud]