Oh Great and Holy Mystery

We reach out through the darkness of deep winter, hoping to take you into our hearts, never to leave.  We yearn to hold you in our arms, as Mother Mary was blessed to do.  We yearn to have you scoop us into your own arms, consoling us in the darkness, assuring us that the bad dreams will end, and the holy light will fill us with the only Truth that matters. For David’s voice has echoed through the ages:

Restore us all, O Lord God of hosts;
show the light of your countenance, and all shall be saved.

We are your children, all of us.  Help our priests, Berto and Hugh, to continue the loving service that consoles us all. We praise and thank you for the great blessings they bring to us and their service to our community.  Inspire our bishop, Greg, as he celebrates his last Advent and Christmas with our diocese; we will be ever grateful for his steady, thoughtful, and  inclusive  offerings to our greater Episcopal community and for his extensive and compassionate service to all of us during the Pandemic.  Spiritual leaders everywhere, especially our Presiding Bishop Michael, continue to inspire and guide us through dark days of doubt and sorrow.  Bless these leaders, and all those whose lives are dedicated to your service, with renewed strength as they go forward on their journeys.

Show the light of your countenance, Oh Emmanuel, and all shall be be saved.

Let us pray for political leaders throughout our land.  May the light of true wisdom illuminate the dark tentacles of political agendas that serve neither the people nor the earth.  May all be overwhelmed by divine grace and a true change of heart as described in the holy gospels.

Show the light of your countenance, Oh Emmanuel, and all shall be be saved.

We pray for all suffering from warfare, disease, and despair.  For people and species who have lost home and habitat, for those who put personal profit and expansion before the good of all.

May those suffering upheaval from natural disasters find the resources they need.

Show the light of your countenance, Oh Emmanuel, and all shall be be saved.

We look forward to your birth celebration, even while knowing you are already with us. May we all intensify our desire and ability to be true peacemakers, reaching out to those in need in whatever ways we are able.  Let our prayers flow freely for those with special concerns known privately to us, so that all can fully embrace and appreciate your wondrous gifts.  [Take time add special prayers and concerns silently or aloud]…

We pray now for all those on our parish prayer list:  ….

Show the light of your countenance, Oh Emmanuel, and all shall be be saved.

Oh Holy Mystery, cast your gaze upon the uncounted losses; the aching hearts that beat in many chests.  Let us lift in prayer all the victims and perpetrators of violence throughout the world, particularly gun violence in our own country. [silence] And we offer a moment of prayer for those in our parish who have died in the last year and for their families and loved ones.