Reader: Oh Christ, Beloved Great Mystery—we beseech you to hear our prayers and praises. We begin by praying for the new Provisional Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia, the Most Reverend Melissa Skelton, as she undertakes leadership of our diocese during this time of transition.  And again, we gratefully wish our retiring Bishop Greg Rickel a joyous and fulfilling time of new discoveries and fresh perceptions. On the home front we pray for the well-being of our beloved priests, Berto and Hugh, whose grace and guidance continue to inspire and renew us. Thanks be to all who keep the light of wisdom glowing in our lives.

We turn to you, Oh Great Mystery, who gives breath and spirit to all creation.

The peoples of this world seem increasingly at odds with one another.  Endless wars and persecutions, floods and famine, and disturbances of many kinds call us to be our best selves.  We pray fervently to find ways to better serve those in need—without regard to race, gender identities, or faiths.  Help us to see the way as we face life’s ongoing challenges. 

We turn to you, Oh Great Mystery, who gives breath and spirit to all creation.

And we offer prayers of gratitude for the generous diligence of all who made the labyrinth walk possible for so many in our community. And we honor and thank all those women and men whose work with the St. Agnes Guild and the Healing Circle do so much to help friends and neighbors in need.  

We turn to you, Oh Great Mystery, who gives breath and spirit to all creation.

We pray that  dwindling plant and animal species be protected from anihilation. Help us see the way to better protect the magnificent gift of this living world and all sentient beings. Help us find meaningful ways to tune down our self-absorption, to live in simplicity and gratitude.

We turn to you, Oh Great Mystery, who gives breath and spirit to all creation.

The year is yet young and many hearts reach toward you, some not knowing that it is you whom they seek.  Others yearn to find you, yet do not recognize you.  Help us all to embrace and celebrate your presence in everything around us, especially in one another. We ask particular help for those suffering from homelessness, mental and physical illness, social injustice, loneliness and despair.  And we thank all those whose lives are dedicated to helping those in need.

We turn to you, Oh Great Mystery, who gives breath and spirit to all creation.

 Our hearts lift as one as we join in prayer for all those on our parish prayer list: (insert)

We join in support of the families of the recently departed Duff Andrews and Mike Krieger. And we offer prayers for the soul of Pope Benedict XVI.  May the souls of departed loved ones everywhere rest in the radiance of your love. May each turn of the wheel bring meaningful epiphanies and deeper peace to all those left behind. 

We turn to you, Oh Great Mystery, who gives breath and spirit to all creation.

And we support one another in prayers for concerns known only to us (long pause; name silently or aloud)