Oh Holy Creator-great are your deeds, greater still is the Mystery of your Being.  We bow before you in deepest reverence, making sincere efforts to keep the

sacred commandment that we love one another as your son Jesus has loved us.  In this love we sing your praises, thanking you and praying for the health and well-being of our priests, Berto and Hugh, our Bishop Melissa, our Presiding Bishop Michael, for the new minister at St. David’s in Friday Harbor,  The Rev, Cristi Chapman,  and spiritual leaders everywhere.

We thank you with unfeigned heart for their goodness and leadership.

The tears of your destitute children flood the already turbulent seas. Hear our prayers for the thousands of dead, and millions injured and homeless following recent earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. We pray fervently for those afflicted by ceaseless wars in too many countries to count, for the epidemic of violence afflicting human society and nature herself.  We ask that peace and gentleness, kindness and compassion be restored on every troubled front. We ask help for all  who have lost their homes, and for people who have lost their livelihoods and their families. And we ask for your guidance in choosing ways to be helpful in these matters.

Oh Holy One help us to recognize ways in which we can truly benefit others.

We pray that all our  governmental leaders hear and heed this message:

Let there be an end to jealousy and quarreling among ourselves and our leaders.  Keep us mindful that we are all your servants, and the world itself is your great temple.  Help governments and their subjects to mutually support choices that reflect  the care and reverence the earth and all created beings deserve..

Oh Holy One help us to recognize ways in which we can truly benefit your world.

Help us to identify and resolve lingering instances of covert racism or prejudice of any kind within our community, and to honor all people, regardless of color, creed, and gender preference.  We celebrate especially those black people whose unjust treatment over centuries has created a legacy of distrust. Let us set aside any residual anger or confusion and come to your table with newly opened hearts, ready to cast aside privilege or bitterness, and willing to fulfill our shared purposes as stewards of this earth and caregivers for one another.

Oh Holy One help us to recognize ways in which we can truly benefit others.

Let us say ‘yes’ to wholeness and health, praying for health workers, for the mentally disturbed, the disabled, the chronically ill, the lonely, and those facing life’s end.  WE pray gratefully for teachers and caregivers and all those engaged in service to others, and ask that they not be discouraged and overworked.  We pray for those serving the needs of refugees  throughout the world. And we pray ardently for those on our Parish Prayer List… and those for whom no one prays; may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit. 

We join in prayer supporting special needs known only to ourselves [pause, and mention silently or aloud].

Oh Holy One, bless and protect us.  Let us walk in wisdom with open hearts filled with your love.