Precious Lord, do not leave the world comfortless; we ask you to send your holy spirit to
strengthen those who suffer the constant terror of war. We pray deeply for peace in Ukraine,
Sudan, Palestine, and other nations suffering violence and dislocation.
In your name, we constantly devote ourselves to prayer.

Precious Lord, protect the faithful of your church, so that we may be one. Bless our priests,
Berto and Hugh, and the lay leaders reviving the generous mission of the Dinner Kitchen.
In your name, we constantly devote ourselves to prayer.

Precious Lord, we pray for our nation, especially for those who suffer the trauma of gun
violence. Help us turn our swords into plough shares, so that we might love our neighbors as
In your name, we constantly devote ourselves to prayer.

Precious Lord, in your goodness, you make provision for the poor. Help us to be your hands and
heart in this work, so that all members of our community might enjoy adequate shelter, healthy
food, and compassionate medical care.
In your name, we constantly devote ourselves to prayer.

Precious Lord, you sent a gracious rain, followed by generous warmth, and all the earth burst
forth in abundance. Thank you for the joy that is spring! Help us protect the glory of your
In your name, we constantly devote ourselves to prayer.

Precious Lord, you have instructed us to cast our anxiety on you, because you care for us. Be
with those suffering in body, mind, and spirit, from illness, injury, confusion, darkness and
despair. Be with the recently departed and their grieving families. Be with those family and
friends we now name (pause), and with those for whom no one prays. Be especially with those
on our parish prayer list:  
In your name, we constantly devote ourselves to prayer.