Lord, we pray for your church in all its forms and for all believers. We give thanks for our leaders, Michael, Melissa, Berto and Hugh asking that they inspire us to be your faithful loving servants in this temporal world.

Lord, you love righteousness and justice as your loving-kindness fills the whole earth.

Lord, we pray for these United States in all their diversity of peoples, opinions  and beliefs. We give thanks for our national, state and local leaders asking that they think of the universal good and your truth as they strive for liberty, justice and security for all.
Lord, you love righteousness and justice as your loving-kindness fills the whole earth.

Lord, we pray for this earth and inhabitants of every nation. We give thanks for national and civic leaders as well as non-governmental organizations that strive to provide for citizens and refugees.

Lord, you love righteousness and justice as your loving-kindness fills the whole earth.

Lord, we give thanks for graduating seniors on Orcas Island as well as their parents and teachers who have guided and supported them throughout their lives, wishing them success in future education and endeavors.
Lord, you love righteousness and justice as your loving-kindness fills the whole earth.

Lord, we pray for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit, from addiction, unemployment, mental illness or homelessness, particularly those we now name either silently or aloud, (pause) and especially for those on our parish prayer list… those for whom no one prays; may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.

Lord, you love righteousness and justice as your loving-kindness fills the whole earth.

Lord, we pray for those near death and their caregivers and those that stand watch as well as those that have died and those  that mourn. We ask that your Holy Spirit comfort and support them through these holy times. Lord, you love righteousness and justice as your loving-kindness fills the whole ea