Lord of Abraham and Sarah, David and Rebekah and all our ancestors, we give thanks to our church leaders: Michael, Melissa, Berto and Hugh. We ask that they inspire us to believe that you rescue us from the body of death.

We thank you, Lord of heaven and earth.

Lord of Abraham and Sarah, David and Rebekah and all our ancestors, we give thanks for this nation. We ask that our leaders bicker less and listen more. We pray that they may govern wisely.

We thank you, Lord of heaven and earth.

Lord of Abraham and Sarah, David and Rebekah and all our ancestors, we give thanks for the time to celebrate our nation this last week. We pray for those families who had loved ones die in shootings. We ask for wisdom to find solutions to gun violence.

We thank you, Lord of heaven and earth.

Lord of Abraham and Sarah, David and Rebekah and all our ancestors, we give thanks for the beauty of the earth. We pray for peace throughout the world and wise stewardship of the earth’s precious resources,

We thank you, Lord of heaven and earth.

Lord of Abraham and Sarah, David and Rebekah and all our ancestors, we give thanks for this summer on our beloved Orcas Island. We pray that there will be some rain as the island is already dry.

We thank you, Lord of heaven and earth.

Lord of Abraham and Sarah, David and Rebekah and all our ancestors, we give thanks for our parish family. We pray for all who suffer in body, mind or spirit, from addiction, unemployment, mental illness or homelessness, particularly those we now name either silently or aloud, (pause) and especially for those on our parish prayer list… and those for whom no one prays. We pray that they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.

We thank you, Lord of heaven and earth.

Lord of Abraham and Sarah, David and Rebekah and all our ancestors, we give thanks for the lives of all our ancestors and especially for Benedict whose rules influence many Anglican religious orders and the lives of lay Episcopalians today. We pray for those near death and those that stand watch. We ask that angels welcome those who have recently died and your Spirit comfort those that mourn.

We thank you, Lord of heaven and earth.