Dearest Lord, grant us the understanding to know what we ought to do to prevent the destruction of our planet and peoples by our own hands. Be with all those who suffer war, flooding, extreme heat, and other effects of our incessant desire for more.

In Christ, we pray.

Dearest Lord, we ask you for the grace and power to faithfully accomplish your work. Be with your church, including our priests, Berto and Hugh, and our lay leaders, as we prayerfully discern your purpose.

In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, mercifully receive our prayers for a way forward from the divisive politics of our nation. Help us to see the goodness in our neighbors, and to trust and care for each other regardless of difference.

In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, help us be the seeds that are sown in the good soil, that we might hear your word and understand it, as it speaks to our own salvation and your call to love our neighbors as ourselves.

In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, bless our precious soil and seas and skies and everything that grows and walks and swims and flies upon upon them, that we might protect the life-giving goodness and beauty of your creation.

In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, you promise life to our mortal bodies through the holy spirit that dwells within us. We ask you to heal the ill and injured and that your spirit bring solace to those who suffer mental and emotional anguish. Be with those nearing death, and those who have passed, especially Terry Terndrup; comfort their broken-hearted families and friends. Be with the dear family and friends we now name (pause) and those for whom no one prays. Be with those on our parish prayer list:  …and those for whom no one prays; may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.  In Christ we pray.