Dear Lord of Heaven and Earth.

You are the Alpha and Omega. We pray to you with hearts longing to know your peace for the world. On our earth of floods and fires, highest world heat, and wars of destruction, we are all your children Lord, in all our differences, we are yours.

 We surrender our longing into your hands Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

Lord, you are the protector of all who trust in you, and without you nothing is strong, nothing is holy.We pray for all churches to be strong with kindness and compassion. Bless our priests, Fr. Berto and Fr. Hugh, with deep gratitude for their leadership, teaching and faith in you Lord.

Lord, We each carry the beauty of your love and grace. We see it in moments each day. Search me out God, and know my heart. Lead me in the way that is everlasting.

Bless the hands and hearts of Emmanuel Parish who served as a vessel of your love

in creating Market Day. And again with the Dinner Kitchen for all who may come to eat.

Your power at work within us is able to accomplish abundantly far more than we can ask or imagine.

Bless this community Lord, make us a beacon of your compassion and love, as taught by your son, Jesus Christ.

We pray for these United States. Lord, be the guidance for our President, and those making decisions for the welfare of our nation and the world. May they be grounded in your love, which surpasses our understanding.

We surrender our longing into your hands Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Bless our earth home and all of your creation. Teach us to respect our fragile earth and how to save it from our destructive ways. Your power at work within us can accomplish more than we can ask or imagine. Your blessings are beyond our understanding.

We surrender our longing into your hands Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ.

We cannot imagine the trauma of sudden fires and floods destroying towns and lives here and in Europe and India. The highest heat in world history is frightening. We pray for families separated, and for those with loss of basic daily needs around the world. 

We surrender our longing into your loving hands Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ.

We pray for those in need of food, shelter, health care, and kindness, for those in pain, fear, or any kind of suffering. Bless those who are with them in your love. Bless those whose needs you know Lord, and those we now name on our prayer list:

We surrender our longing into your loving hands Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Bless all who have died, that they are in your joyous company of angels and archangels. Bless those who carry the love and remembrance in their hearts.

 We surrender our longing into your hands Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Thank you Lord for our bountiful blessings. As Christ dwells in our hearts, may we become grounded in love and service. May the Holy Spirit lead us through our days with gratitude and delight in your love, to accomplish abundantly far more than we can ask or imagine. 

We put our trust in you Lord, without whom nothing is strong, nothing is holy. As Jesus teaches us to shine like the sun in the Kingdom of God, we renew our spirit in your grace. In Jesus name we thank you. Amen