Lord, as we walk the rough waters of war and climate change, we reach for your hand, lest we sink into fear and despair: “Lord, save us!”

In Christ we pray.

Lord, we pray for the strength to do your work of love in the world. Be with our priests, Berto and Hugh, and our lay leaders as they prayerfully discern Emmanuel’s mission. Thank you for the generous hearts of those who have revived our monthly dinner kitchen.

In Christ we pray.

Lord, we pray for your guiding spirit to think and do always those things that are right for the diverse peoples of our nation. Help us not to forget your greatest commandment: to love you with all our mind, body and soul, and one another as ourselves.

In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, you ask us to care for the widow, the orphan, and the stranger. Help us be the hands and feet of good news for those suffering hunger, homelessness, and helplessness.

In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, we sing praises for your marvelous works: this beautiful earth we call home— its seas, its skies, its fields and forests, and the many creatures with whom we share the earth. Help us to cherish and care for your creation as the life-giving miracle it is.

In Christ we pray.

Dearest Lord, we give thanks and call upon your name to be with those those suffering sickness, injury, and mental and emotional distress. We ask you to be with the recently passed and their grieving families and friends. We ask for healing for the friends and family we now name (pause), including those on our parish prayer list:

In Christ we pray.