Precious Lord, we pray for our world, that we do not become blinded by the arrogant, who confide only in their own strength. We seek to humbly serve each other in compassionate love.

We pray for our world.

Precious Lord, you promised that wherever two or three of us are gathered together in your name, you are there. Be with our church as we seek to live your example of loving kindness. Be with our priests, Berto and Hugh, as they enjoy some time away.

We pray for our church.

Precious Lord, we pray for our nation, that we might honor your promise that those who love one another have fulfilled your law.

We pray for our nation.

Precious Lord, we pray for those needing shelter, food, safety, health care, and the tender interest of compassionate hearts. Whatever we have done for the least of our brothers and sisters, we have done for you.

We pray for the poor.

Precious Lord, we sing a song of praise for our wondrous and beautiful earth. Thank you for a beautiful summer on Orcas. We pray that all the world might enjoy moderate temperatures and summers without flood and fire. We seek to be loving stewards of your creation.

We pray for our earth.

Precious Lord, we trust in you with all our hearts to heal those suffering illness, injury, and mental and emotional strife. We ask that you offer the solace of eternal love to those who have recently passed and their grieving families and friends. And we pray for healing love for the family and friends we now name (pause), including those on our parish prayer list:

We pray for those we love.