Oh Marvelous Creator and Great Mystery—Factions rend your people apart.  Natural disasters destroy people and loved ones. And yet there is beauty and abundance and love at the same time.  Help all to find and walk in balance within these external contrasts and challenges,  so that one generation shall praise your work to another.

For you, oh holy one, are gracious and full of compassion. 

Let us pray for all who seek to find you, no matter what their faith tradition. We pray for all spiritual leaders who serve you according to the wisdom and circumstances you have given them.  We especially pray for our priests, Berto and Hugh, our acting bishop, Melissa, and our presiding bishop Michael, whose guidance is so important to our faith community.  May they be healthy and productive for years to come.

For you, oh holy one, are gracious and full of compassion. 

Let us pray for political leaders —our local government, congresspeople, and federal government.  May they all act with integrity, wisdom, and compassion, for the good of people,  the planet, and all of life.

For you, oh holy one, are gracious and full of compassion. 

Let us offer special prayers for the downtrodden, forgotten, and misunderstood people—those within our own circles  and in the world generally. May all in need discover their own manna in the desert. We pray for those who are addicted, and thank those who serve them so patiently through the 12-step and other programs here on this island. We pray for the imprisoned: may there be space and grace for them to  be guided to flower in beauty, Let us remember that every person is part of your creation and beloved by you.

For you, oh holy one, are gracious and full of compassion. 

Let us pray for a cessation of war, for an outpouring of kindness, following the examples of Jesus Christ. It is never too late for anyone to find you.  

Let our self-importance fall away; may we take the lead in living more simply and less destructively on this earth.

For you, oh holy one, are gracious and full of compassion. 

Let us pray together for special intentions known to us individually, but not mentioned here: [mention silently or aloud] And for those on our Parish Prayer List [insert]

For you, oh holy one, are gracious and full of compassion. 

Let us pray together for the souls of the departed, those who mourn them, and those facing the great waters.[mention anyone special to you] In particular, we offer prayers for the repose of the soul of —-, and hold those who mourn in loving concern.

We thank you most heavenly creator for all your care and concern, in Jesus Christ, Amen.