Dear Lord of heaven and earth. Let everything that has breath, praise you Lord. We open our hearts to you in prayer.

Bless the hearts and hands who keep our Emmanuel church thriving, alive and available. We are especially grateful for the welcoming day of Gathering with Friends from St. David’s Parish in Friday Harbor. Thank you to all who created and hosted the day of sharing our church, food, labyrinth and love.

We are grateful you are with us Lord.

Bless the leadership, commitment and wisdom of our dear Priests Fr. Berto and Fr. Hugh, with the Vestry, Bill and Margie Bangs, Karen, Marianne, the Altar Guild, the flower arrangers, the Garden Gang, and the Agape team.

We have faith in the assurance of Jesus that you are with us Lord.

We pray for an end to the terror of war in the world, especially the ravages in Gaza, Israel and Palestine, Ukraine and Russia, and the destruction of homes and families wherever war is begun. War is not the answer. 

Lord, we pray for your peace in our hearts and the world. Show us your way for peace.

May your churches around the world be instruments of your Holy Spirit to serve the hungry, homeless and abandoned, and speak loudly for equality, peace and preservation of your earthly creation.

Lord, we pray for your peace in our hearts and the world. Show us your way.

We pray for the victims of violence, of racial abuse, of fires, floods and hurricanes. There is more sorrow than we can hold.

Lord, all of us are your people. We pray for your Holy Spirit to show us your way for peace.

Bless and renew all those who care for others, for the safety of those who put their lives at risk to save others in emergencies throughout the country, and the world, from Venezuela to Maui.

Dear Lord, protect and sustain all who serve for the good of others.

Bless these United States, for those in government to lift up with courage and judgment to do the right thing for the highest good. We pray for your hand to be on their hearts and minds with respect of freedom and equality for all people. 

Lord of heaven, make us leaders for peace in the world, with equality for all. Lord, show us your way.

Comfort prisoners and captives, the hungry and homeless, and all who suffer in body, mind or spirit. Bless each one as you know their needs, especially those on our prayer list today: 

Lord, bring faith, hope and healing to all who need your compassion and protection.

We pray for your gift of the natural world which sustains us. Lead us to immediate ceasing of our climate destruction, with your power to change the habits of minds and money which consume our clean air, water, and forests, destroy oceans, glaciers and animals. 

We pray for all actions to keep them as you intend. 

Lord of heaven, give all nations the wisdom and will to conserve this good earth, for our survival, and to your honor.

For those who have died, may they be joyfully shining in your heavenly light.

Dear Lord of heaven, be with our loved ones, and bathe our hearts with your peace.

Lord, we put our faith in you. Stay with us Lord. Show us your way. We love you Lord.