Oh Beloved Mystery – we thank you for the beauty of
our world and all the unending wonders of creation. At the same
time we ask that we grow in love and understanding of our fellow
humans and that we become better stewards of the earth itself.
We thank you for the guidance of our priests, Berto and Hugh,
our Provisional Bishop, Melissa, our Presiding Bishop, Michael,
and the wisdom of spiritual leaders everywhere. Please bless them
with good health, inspiration, and ongoing steadfastness.
Hear our prayers, oh Beloved Mystery, as we once again
prepare the way for the Messiah, whose grace and glory
continue to renew us.

We thank you for the saints whose good works and devotion stir
us all. We think today of Katarina van Bora, the wife of Martin
Luther, and St. Thomas the Apostle, whose saints’ days fall in the
coming week.
Hear our prayers, oh Beloved Mystery, as we once again
prepare the way for the Messiah, whose grace and glory
continue to renew us.

Oh Beloved Mystery – we ask that those living in turbulent
surroundings find peace and hope. We pray that violence and
oppression be diminished and that all people come to know the
wonder of your presence. We ask that we all become more
mindful and find more effective ways to make an important
difference in our troubled world.
Hear our prayers, oh Beloved Mystery, as we once again
prepare the way for the Messiah, whose grace and glory
continue to renew us.

Oh Beloved Mystery – we pray for all those who are ill, or
troubled, or lonely. We pray for families, that they may love and

support each other, We pray for all those with different abilities,
gender identities, and preferences. We pray for those of other
creeds and races than our own, and recognize them as part of our
larger family. We pray for the mentally disturbed, the imprisoned,
for people struggling with chronic illness, and with poverty and
Hear our prayers, oh Beloved Mystery, as we once again
prepare the way for the Messiah, whose grace and glory
continue to renew us.

Oh Beloved Mystery – we join in common prayer to uphold
private intentions known only to us, (pause) and we pray for all
those on our Parish Prayer List…… as well
as for those for whom no one prays. Hear our prayers, oh
Beloved Mystery, as we once again prepare the way for the
Messiah, whose grace and glory continue to renew us.

And for those who have ended their earthly journey, and those
saying farewell to their loved ones—including the family of Jan
Hall–we ask for peace and comfort.
Hear our prayers, oh Beloved Mystery, as we once again
prepare the way for the Messiah, whose grace and glory
continue to renew us.

In the words of St Paul, let us rejoice always, pray without ceasing,
give thanks in all circumstances–for this is your will. Help us to
hold fast to what is good.
Hear our prayers, oh Beloved Mystery, as we once again
prepare the way for the Messiah, whose grace and glory
continue to renew us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Now and
Forever. Amen.