Precious Lord, your light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it. Be with the peoples of the world in these dark times, especially those suffering war, displacement, violence, and oppression.

Lord, we petition your love and grace in the new year.

Precious Lord, grant that your light, kindled in our hearts, shines forth in our lives. Grace upon grace, grace and truth be our guides as we plan our church year.

Lord, we petition your love and grace in the new year.

Precious Lord, as a garden causes what is sown in it to spring up, let our nation be a people who are as generous as the earth in our nurturing of one another.

Lord, we petition your love and grace in the new year.

Precious Lord, let us be your hands, lifting up the lowly, the hungry, the homeless, the sick, the lonely and despairing, for whose hands but ours?

Lord, we petition your love and grace in the new year.

Precious Lord, who counts the stars and calls them all by their names. We praise your creation and will protect the health of our precious home, Earth.

Lord, we petition your love and grace in the new year.

Precious Lord, you heal the broken-hearted and bind up the wounds of the injured. Be with those suffering illness and injury, anger and fear, confusion and depression. Be with the recently passed and their broken-hearted families. Be with the precious friends and family we now name (pause), including those on our prayer list:  (please read slowly) … those for whom no one prays; may they be comforted by your Holy Spirit. Lord, we petition your love and grace in the new year.