Father/Mother Lord, we beg you to breathe upon those slain in Ukraine, in Israel, in Gaza, and in other violent regions, that they might live. We are weary of war; we pray for relief for its victims.

In Jesus we pray.

Father/Mother Lord, we trust that when the spirit of truth comes, it will guide us in all truth. Grant us the gift of your Spirit, that we might manifest the light of love in the world.

In Jesus we pray.

Father/Mother Lord, we pray for our nation, that we might heal our divisions. We pray that our leaders lead us in this work, that they themselves are guided by respect and compassion for all peoples and the inheritance of the natural world.

In Jesus we pray.

Father/Mother Lord, who searches the heart, help us open our hearts to those without homes, without food, without work, without medicine, without comfort, that they may find comfort in our loving hearts and hands.

In Jesus we pray.

Father/Mother Lord, how manifold and magnificent are your works. Help us to honor the exquisite nature that surrounds us, that it might awe the generations with its fulness.

In Jesus we pray.

Father/Mother Lord, the Spirit helps us in our weakness, with sighs too deep for words. Be with those suffering illness and injury, that they might heal; be with with those suffering the darkness of mental and emotional anguish, that they might find light and hope; be with the departed and their family and friends, that they might find peace. Comfort and guide the dear family and friends we now name (pause), including those on our parish prayer list.

In Jesus we pray.