Dear Lord of Unconditional Love, 

On this Trinity Sunday, we open our hearts to your Holy Spirit, as we pray in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Be with all ministers and churches of the world. Hold them in your spiritual guidance, restore them in their leadership for compassionate peace in the world.

Precious Lord of Unconditional Love, inspire, renew and guide all who serve others, with love for the common good. 

Precious Lord, bless our inclusive Emmanuel Parish in our mission of service. It is our reward to give to others, according to the gifts God has given us, whether in Sunday service, garden, Labyrinth, kitchen, music, building repair or comforting those in need. Thank you Lord for the love and service Emmanuel Parish brings to our community, with the leadership, spiritual teaching and compassion of Fr. Berto and Fr. Hugh.

Precious Lord, inspire, renew and guide all who serve others, with love for the common good.

In the current darkness of nations at war, annihilations, and fear, we pray for your powerful change to bring compassion and healing. We cannot be separated from the pain of struggle for survival and safety, especially the children and families.

Precious Lord, may the winds of your Holy Spirit replace fear and suffering, with healing and hope, and oppression with courage to do the right thing.

Precious Lord, we pray for equality of human rights and safety for all people, with the power of peace in the world. Lord, bless our earthly home and all creatures great and small, to whom you have given a purpose. May the Holy Spirit breathe a fire of passion to change our destructive product habits into the renewal of your earth.

We are grateful for the natural beauty surrounding Orcas Island.

We are grateful for the caring gifts the people and organizations of Orcas Island bring to our community: the food bank, Resource Center sheltering, counseling, medical transportation, volunteers and neighbors. We are blessed to live here.

 May we share our abundance, wherever you show us the need.

Precious Lord, We pray for those in pain, hunger, loneliness, depression, addiction, loss of loved ones, loss of income, or any kind of suffering. We offer our prayers silently or aloud (pause). We pray especially for those we name here on our prayer list: 

Precious Lord, may they know your peace and compassionate love.

We pray for the men and women who gave their lives in service to our nation. We remember and honor them this Memorial Day.

Bless each soul who returns to you Lord, may they rejoice in your loving presence.

Thank you Lord, for the opportunity to slow our pace, connect with our spirit, and feel part of your family, in all its differences. May we each be in the light of your Holy Spirit. 

Precious Lord, Bless us each, in the name of The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN