Holy Mystery, we are gathered today with gratitude for the visit of our Provisional Bishop, Melissa, who has served us well during this interim period, and for Lisa, our Deacon today, visiting us from St. David’s in Friday Harbor.

Here we are, Lord, for you called us; let us do your bidding. 

Holy Mystery, we ask special blessings as we celebrate the Confirmation of Eliza and Laura and the Reception of Monica, Mary, Jennifer, and Andrew into the communion of the Episcopal Church. They were all already part of our beloved community, but with this step, our bond becomes deeper and more enduring. We pray for all our new members with open hearts, trusting that our journey together will be one of mutual growth and ongoing support. 

Here we are, Lord, for you called us; let us do your bidding. 

Holy Mystery, we pray and are most grateful for the new Bishop-Elect of our diocese, the Rev. Philip LaBelle. We pray fervently for our nation and its leaders, the heads of state throughout the world, and the spiritual leaders of all faiths, praying that they will recognize and support the needs of our planet and all of life. We pray that wars cease and that time, love, and hope will heal the great scars left behind.

Here we are, Lord, for you called us; let us do your bidding.

Holy Mystery, we pray that seeds grow anew in the wake of endless wars, that simplicity, truth, and kindness may prevail amongst all peoples, and that the coming summer be gentle and that the crops flourish, just as the seeds of faith grow and flower within all of us. Help us all to do our part to the best of our ability.

Here we are, Lord, for you called us; let us do your bidding.

Holy Mystery, we pray for all those with concerns known privately to us (take time to mention silently or aloud) and all those on our Parish Prayer List: and those for whom no one prays; 

Here we are, Lord, for you called us; let us do your bidding.

Bishop: Let us pray for those celebrating Birthdays this week.

O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants Heidi Sophia Hudlet (6/6), Skipper Botsford (6/6), Douglas Ellis (6/7), and Paul Greenwell (6/8) as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace, and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Bishop: Let us pray for those celebrating anniversaries this week. 

Grant, O God, in your compassion, that Sue & Kjell Askevold (6/2) who have taken each other in marriage, may grow in forgiveness, loyalty, and love; and come at last to the eternal joys which you have promised through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.