Almighty Lord, out of the depths we call to you, that we might lay down our swords and love one another. Be with those suffering the terrors of war and the devastation of earthquakes, that they might savor the rebirth that is spring.

Lord, hear our voice.

Almighty Lord, in your word is our hope. Be with your church as we seek to live your love in the world. We thank you for our priests, Berto and Hugh, and for our many lay leaders. Be with them as they prepare for the busy Easter season ahead.

Lord, hear our voice.

Almighty Lord, be with “we the people” of these United States as we seek to determine our nation’s future. Help us to remember that each of us is beloved in your eyes, that we might advocate for the wellbeing of all who call this nation “home.”

Lord, hear our voice.

Almighty Lord, be with those who cannot meet the basic needs of food, shelter, clean water, and safety. You call us to your work in the world; infuse us with your lovingkindness.

Lord, hear our voice.

Almighty Lord, our hearts sing of rebirth as we celebrate the return of bud, bloom, warmth and light. Help us to protect the earth with the same exuberance with which we greet spring.

Lord, hear our voice.

Almighty Lord, we wait for the Lord, our souls wait for you. Be with those suffering illness and injury, that they might be healed. Be with those who are near death or who have recently passed, that their journey home may be peaceful. Be with their grieving families. Be with those suffering in mind and soul, that they might find peace. Be with the friends and family we now name (pause) and especially for those on our parish prayer list.,, and those for whom no one prays. May they be comforted by your Holy Spirit.  Lord, hear our voice.